YOUSRA MENNA SHALABY Hend Sabry SABA MUBARAK Dhafer L'abidine Kinda Alloush RAYA ABIRACHED AHMED MALEK Nour Ahmed Hatem Tara Emad Huda El Mufti Samer Ismail Razane Jammal Mohammed Hatem Nour Ali Yosra El Lozy Fatima Al-Banawi Nour El Nabawy Islam Mubarak
MAD Celebrity
Harboring a diverse pool of artists as clients, MAD Celebrity is a full-service public relations subsidiary established by MAD Solutions. MAD Celebrity works on creating the perfect public image for a celebrity to empower artists to become the ambassadors of their own professions.

MAD Celebrity offers the most creative consultancy out there with an account manager dedicated to each celebrity working on managing the celebrity's media endeavors, image, and presence in media outlets, coordinating publicity events, and handling any issues that may arise providing optimum solutions.